Why subscribe?

Subscribe to jostle my self confidence as I slouch towards a legitimate freelance hustle.

This is the only commodity I can reliably produce so as long as I am an American I think you are more or less obligated to engage with my offerings???? I do not understand corporate capitalism very well tho.

Seriously though now more than ever is the time for psyche to justify her life, and that’s not going to happen without your audience <3 <3 <3

I’m A Dilettante

Help me get consistent!

I’m interested briefly in any number of things. The influence of an audience will encourage my best practices. If not, well, you did your part. I promise never to specialize in anything, especially trends or fads. You can comment or pass. You have control! Although I dine on evidence of your favor like the post-rex binge monster I am, no pressure.

Some areas of minor expertise include psychoanalysis and its discontents, mortal humility, my fame-adjacent upbringing, various deserts.

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Subscribe to psychesemantic

gonzo attitude, beat ethics. does she rewrite?